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Këtu gjeni informacion mbi produktet dhe sistemet Ceresit

With the best advice you will achieve the best result in Tiling.

Balconies & Terraces

Ceresit Systems

Floor Installation in Industrial and Commercial Buildings

Swimming Pools & Wellness Spas

With the best advice you will achive the best results in Waterproofing Systems.

The safe side of Waterproofing

CP30 Aquablock White

With the best advice you will achieve the best result in Interior Finishes.

Ceresit Skim Coats

With the best advice you will achieve the best result in Morrtars & Auxiliaries

Concrete Repair and Protection System

With the best advice you will achive the best result in ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems)


ETICS Systems

ETICS Brochure

ETICS System Brochure

Reno & Repair Brochure

Impactum Brochure


Facade plasters & paints

Color Advisor

Visage Brochure

CT 174 & CT 175 Brochure

Mosaic Plaster Brochure

CT 174 Machine Brochure

CT 49 Silix XD


Adhesive mortars & Adhesive rendering mortars

CT 84 Brochure

CT 84 Ceretherm Express



Additives Brochure

Know more about the flooring technology of Ceresit.



Ceresit EC1

The Flooring Guide

  • Produkte

    Cilado qoftë puna që duhet bërë me pllaka, Ceresit gjithmonë ofron produktin dhe mbështetjen e duhur 


Ne do të jemi të lumtur t'u përgjigjemi të gjitha pyetjeve tuaja në lidhje me produktet tona, ku t'i blejmë ato dhe cilat janë zgjidhjet më të mira për projektet tuaja.